Self-publishing services

If you are a writer with a draft manuscript that is ready for publication, self-publishing is a possible next step.
My services, therefore, focus on helping you create an ebook in PDF or EPUB format. Both the PDF and the EPUB format are final ebook products. You can make these ebooks available to your readers or upload them to a self-publishing platform such as Apple Books or Amazon (and many more). From the latter platforms, your publication can then be converted to the platform’s ebook format or delivered as a print book.

Bibliographic database development

Bibliographic database development To produce professional documents, especially scientific documents, a good literature reference database system that works effortlessly with Microsoft Word is essential. I use EndNote to create and maintain bibliographic databases for publications. I can help you build, edit or maintain your database and produce the correct style output for your thesis or …

On-site publishing assistance

In some cases it is not appropriate or convenient for the client to send out material for editing. I have on several occasions worked on-site to write or edit publications, guidelines and procedures, or assist with management of the publication process. Locations where I have worked on-site include the …

Document formatting services

Document formatting in Microsoft Word (MS Word) can take up a large amount of time if you are not on top of the program’s many formatting features. I offer several document formatting services that can help you get it ready for ebook PDF publishing.