Formatting posts
Formatting in Microsoft Word — posts on how to format your own documents in Microsoft Word for writers and editors.

How to read an EPUB ebook on Kindle or Kindle app
To read an EPUB ebook on Kindle or in your Kindle app, there are just two steps involved. 1. Convert the EPUB file into a Kindle file format. 2. Email the new file to your device using the device's Amazon email address ...

A simple method for formatting Microsoft Word documents
While formatting Microsoft Word documents, do you format each paragraph or heading? Do you sometimes forget which formatting you used for each level of subheading? Do you have to work out why the contents table does not list all headings? 😰 😰 😰 Do you insert page breaks manually to ...

All about ebooks
What are ebooks? Ebooks have been around for a while now and still the definition can be a bit blurry. So, what are ebooks? According to Wikipedia, an ebook is ‘an electronic book’ or ‘digital book’. In other words, it is a book-publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, ...

How to format a new document in Microsoft Word
Document layout does not have to be complex to look professional. Microsoft Word is a powerful tool that can help you write and publish your own work. However, it is complex to use. When you start writing and format a new document, many features can distract you from the real ...